HIV Oral Thrush Symptoms
If you have oral thrush, lesions, or swollen glands, you may be suffering from HIV infection. You may be experiencing any of these symptoms, or none at all. However, if you are unsure, it is recommended that you visit a medical professional at an STD testing clinic. The symptoms of HIV are not always easy to detect. For this reason, it is important that you know how to recognize them. Read on to discover what you can expect.

Symptoms of HIV infection
Symptoms of HIV infection are not always readily noticeable. This disease gradually weakens the immune system. It can remain undetected for years and is not always easy to detect without an HIV test. Early symptoms of HIV infection may include fever, chills, sore throat, muscle aches, and fatigue. The onset of these symptoms may take anywhere from two to four weeks from the time of infection. They may also include mouth ulcers.
Those suffering from acute HIV are likely to have open sores in their mouth, esophagus, anus, or penis. These sores are usually painful, although not everyone will develop ulcers. Other common symptoms include digestive problems. People suffering from acute HIV often experience vomiting, diarrhea, or loss of appetite. People with primary HIV may also have a dry cough. The most common symptoms of HIV infection are listed below.
Oral thrush
If you are suffering from the Hiv oral thrush symptoms, then it is likely you are infected with the fungus. Although most of us have small amounts of this yeast in our bodies, when a person has a compromised immune system, this fungus can spread and affect the rest of the body. It is a contagious disease and is often more common in newborns or immunocompromised individuals.
To prevent the recurrence of oral thrush, it is best to get regular dental checkups and get your teeth cleaned every six months. If you have chronic health issues, including HIV or cancer, you should visit your dentist for a regular cleaning. You should also avoid overusing mouthwashes, as these can disrupt the normal balance of bacteria in your mouth. You should visit a dentist or physician to diagnose oral thrush.
Oral lesions
Oral lesions are common in people with HIV. Aphthous ulcers, also known as canker sores, are often painful and develop on the lips, tongue, or cheeks. Because they’re not contagious, these lesions are usually harmless but can be uncomfortable. People with this condition should use an antiseptic mouthwash to relieve the symptoms. A medication known as ritonavir can also help.
Human varicella-zoster is another condition that can develop in people with HIV. If a person’s CD4 counts fall below 300, they may develop oral hairy leukoplakia (OHL). It causes white lesions that resemble thrush. It usually occurs when a person’s immune system is compromised. Fortunately, HIV treatment strengthens the immune system, which means that treatment for OHL is usually effective. Also, therapy for herpes, warts, and thrush may be effective in treating the symptoms.
Oral swollen glands
HIV is the cause of swollen lymph nodes and is not always treatable. Nevertheless, antiretroviral drugs can be effective in managing the infection. They do not cure HIV, but they can reduce the viral load to undetectable levels. Symptomatic treatment for HIV is ongoing, and levels should be checked regularly to determine the effectiveness of the medicine. The patient should seek medical attention if they notice the presence of swollen lymph nodes.
In acute HIV, open sores develop. These lesions develop in the mouth, oesophagus, anus, and penis. They are generally painful and are accompanied by a loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, and weight loss. HIV patients may also experience chronic fatigue and leukoplakia of the tongue. The inflammatory response that is caused by the virus also results in tiredness.